The Great Project
A sharing society to solve major global challenges.
Short video presentation
The idea of the Great Project
The Great Project was born out of the work of a think tank that seeks to put an end to the unsustainable ecological, economic, social and human drifts that our society is experiencing.
It is clear that money (the market system) is at the root of all social inequalities, world hunger, climate inaction by governments, the concentration of wealth that is reaching new heights, and many other abuses.
Money is not the problem! It is only a tool.
Indeed, money is only the tool used by the monetary system which turns out to be itself, in the end, a market system which, by definition, is based on exchange.
A world without money !
In order to solve the major challenges of our modern society, MOCICA (Association loi 1901) presents the Great Project.
The Great Project is a proposal for a sharing system instead of an exchange system.
Discover the most formidable proposal for change possible for humanity andparticipate in the creation of abetter environment, a better management of our resources, amore just and equitable society..
You can finally feel fulfilled and in tune in a worldfreed from the constraints of money and based on mutual aid, citizen democracy and the sharing of available resources.
To all those who want not a change in society but a change ofsociety, discover how your choice can create tomorrow’s world. Join the Great Project as of now.
The Great Project.
As soon as enough people around the world have joined the movement, we will work together to determine how it will work and when it will transition.
Once we have a majority, we will be able to officially validate our commitment through a global consent that will allow us to organise the transition between the market society and the sharing society.
After this day, each one will exercise his vocation to others, without using money.
Resources will be shared with respect for the planet and its inhabitants.
Efforts in areas where volunteers are not available will be shared equally.
Finally, citizen democracy will take its place within the overall democratic organisation. (G.D.O.) It will enable everyone to take part in the decisions that concern them. That is, from the local (neighbourhood) to the global (world) level.
What does a sharing system mean?
It simply means that civilisation is evolving.
Society is no longer based on a monetary system, whose sole purpose is to grow, often at the expense of equality or fairness. Instead, our society is becoming aware of its global interdependence and is acting globally as one family by sharing available resources equitably.
The sharing system will solve most of the risks and abuses of the current system (see The Great Project).
To explain otherwise, we stop using money and replace it with sharing.
What do we share?
Le Grand Projet en 3 étapes
Tout d’abord, adhérons massivement au projet.
Ensuite, parlons-en avec nos réseaux, amis, proches, etc.
Il est également possible de rejoindre ou créer son groupe local sur l’application, puis mettre en place des actions et des ateliers (Passer à l’action).
Enfin, nous préparons notre autonomie future (alimentaire, énergétique, etc.) et envisageons les différentes modalités d’organisation dans nos assemblées citoyennes (Rejoindre une assemblée).
Préparation / Organisation
Nous préparons et organisons notre société non marchande.
Au travers de nos assemblées locales, nous choisissons ENSEMBLE nos modalités d’organisation et d’autonomie.
Massivement, le même jour, nous continuons nos activités dans nos domaines de connaissance habituels mais sans utiliser d’argent.
Puis nous mettrons en place ce qui a été décidé collectivement à l’étape 2.
What do you think?
Is money the cause of most human problems today?