I make a donation

What are your donations used for?

Making a donation for a world without money may seem paradoxical.
But as long as we are in a world where everything is paid for, we are subject to operating costs.
We need valuable skills that our volunteers either don’t have, or don’t have the time to provide assiduously because of… their professional lives.

In addition, your donations would allow for expanded and regular communication campaigns that would accelerate the movement in a situation that needs to gain strength and speed.

Some members have time to spare, others can only support with donations. Both energise the movement.

To go further:

By making a donation to the great project you are contributing to thebest case available to address major current issues such as theenvironment,energy, birth rate and many others.

Finally, the Grand Project is our best hope to see a civilisation evolve together peacefully in respect of the planet and its inhabitants.

MOCICA (MOuvement pour une Civilisation Consciente et Autonome = Movement for a Conscious and Autonomous Civilization) Association Law 1901.

Movement of human gathering for lree, sharing and offering services.

Tax deduction

Individuals: your donations entitle you to a tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of your donations, up to 20% of your net taxable income.

Company : the tax reduction is equal to 60% of the amount of your donation, up to a limit of 0.5% of the company’s turnover (excluding tax) for the year in which the payment is made.

A donation of €152

Allows you to deduct an amount of €100.

A monthly gift of €100

You can deduct an annual amount of € 792.