Tools to facilitate organisation in assemblies

Collaborative writing

A pad is a real-time collaborative text editor. Contributors can write simultaneously.

Useful for working on proposals to be discussed at assemblies.

Start writing

Make appointments

Plan a meeting date or make decisions simply with this online voting tool.

Start a questionnaire

Online project management

Cooperate, manage your assembly's projects and be organised with this online project management tool. Ideal for managing an assembly and its action groups.

Starting to get organised

Messaging & Communication

Telegram is a secure instant messaging application hosted in the cloud. Free, free and open source, licensed under GPLv3, available on mobile and PC. Allows the assembly and action groups to stay in touch.

Creating a living room for the assembly


Jitsi is an open source cross-platform instant messaging, voice over IP and video conferencing application. Ideal for an alternative to a physical meeting.

Start a videoconference

Practical sheets for assemblies :

(Note: Some assemblies print a portfolio which is made available for consultation during each assembly, consisting of the “Guide to Global Democratic Organisation in Assemblies” plus all the practical sheets below)

The ingredients - Shared Governance

clarify the different elements useful for the functioning of shared governance,

The ingredients

Bono's 6 hats

The 6 Hats method is a problem-solving method that encourages critical thinking to avoid censorship of new, disturbing or unusual ideas.
Bono's 6 hats

Election without candidates

The practice of election without candidates is an invitation to revisit and even go beyond well established paradigms. ingrained and sometimes even ignored such as the search for 'better' or 'best'

Election without candidates

Consent decision

Decision by consent is a method of decision-making in which the proposal is validated if no member has a reasonable objection. In this it differs from consensus in which unanimity is required before action is taken

The consent decision

Objection test

A practical fact sheet to help test objections in consent decisions.

Objection test sheet

Governance meeting

Among the different types of meetings possible, discover the governance meeting. Its purpose is to define the organisational arrangements for the meeting.

Governance meeting sheet

Triage meeting

Among the different types of meetings possible, discover the triage meeting. Review of ongoing actions and production of projects & next actions.

Triage meeting sheet

List of feelings & needs

Non-violent communication (NVC) is essential in a meeting. Discover the practical sheet on ranking feelings and needs.

Emotions sheet

Poster Non-violent communication

Non-violent communication (NVC) is essential in a meeting. Dicover the NVC Poster

N.V.C. Poster

Meeting gestures

Discover the list of gestures to use in meetings to intervene without interrupting.

Meeting gestures