Discover step by step how it works

You’ll find here, the necessary resources to understand the app, the assemblies and their functioning.

1 Register at the nearest assembly.

2 Discover the tutorials learn about the exchange rules both on networks and at the meetings.

3 If there are more than 4 or 5 members, do not hesitate to organise a meeting to get together.

4 Practice organising meetings according to the proposed model and adapt it to your own needs.

Meeting each other: getting to know each other, helping each other and strengthening the cohesion of the group.

Get organised: meet regularly, choose your coordinators, carry out actions, assign roles. The “Agenda” section allows you to plan meetings for this purpose.

Building autonomy :
• Reduce our needs (energy, food etc.)
• Develop our contributions (e.g. shared gardens, renewable energy etc.)
• Knowing the group’ capabilities (know-how, cultivable gardens, available tools etc.)
• Develop our skills (recycling, gardening, repairs etc.)

Spreading the word about the project: (Posters, flyers, social networks, public presentations, media etc.).)

To propose any initiative in favour of the project and our objective.

You have the possibility to create citizens’ or thematic assemblies.

Thematic assemblies allow local actors in the same sector (health, food, education, research, etc.), in the same companyor following aspecific mission (welcoming new members, repair services, education, etc.) to be brought together.

They allow us to act now but also to structure the organisation of all actors until the next step: the non-market model!

To create your assembly, in the left-hand menu, click on “assembly” and then on “create” at the top left.

Conduct of a meeting
Here is a typical procedure, free to be modified.

Beginning of meeting
– Reminder of the rules (raise your hand to speak, respect for speaking time, no judgement/mockery/scorniness etc.)
– Role allocation: Who facilitates the meeting? Who notes the order of speaking turns?
– Collection of ideas that will be on the agenda (this can be done before the meeting via this platform)
– Round table for last minute ideas / initiatives
– proposals’ discussion
– If objection: clarify arguments on both sides, amend, seek consensus. Majority voting is a last resort.
Prepare for the next meeting
– Collective and individual objectives (who does what for the next meeting?)
– Agree on a day.

All the details in this .pdf file:
Guide of the Global Democratic Organization by assemblies.

Create an assembly and communicate (3mns)

  1. First, start by joining an assembly by selecting it on the map or create it if there isn’t yet one near your area.
  2. As soon as your local assembly is created, communicate with the citizens of your municipality and around your area.
    Everyone is potentially interested by the Great Project.
    You can start with :
    – Your relationships .
    – Those who are already transitioning.
    – Those who want a new system.
    – Those with few money.
    – Those who want another world for their kids.
    – Etc.
  3. Be :
    – Patient, we rarely succeed in convincing the first time and we often have to let the idea germinate.
    – Positive, don’t force the idea, remain smiling and courteous.
    – Steady, in the same way as a hobby or sporting activity, give yourself a weekly moment for the Great Project.
    – Know your arguments, it means the answers to the questions that people will ask you.
  4. Use the app and get in touch with the nearby assemblies in order to exchange your experiences and your ideas.

The Great Project’s App, how it works ?

You have several options :

• Fill in your address so that we can locate your geographical area. Your address will not be distributed under any circumstances. You will be informed about news close to you.

• You can create an assemblyat any address you wish (yours or a public place for example). An assembly will allow you to gather members and move forward as a team. The assembly can be citizen-based (for organisational issues, regulations etc.) or thematic (for the coordination of actors in the same sector or area of interest: education, research, health etc.)

• You can join an existing assembly by selecting an assembly on the map and clicking on “become a member”.

• You have the opportunity to be part of several assemblies near you.

Video presentation of how the App works. (15mns)

More details on the assemblies in .pdf :

Here are two highly recommended readings in . pdf format to get a good start in the assemblies and understand how they work.

Conduct of the first assemblies

Here's an example of the course of the 3 first assemblies. Particularly useful for the animator or the coordinator.
First Assemblies

GDO's guide by assemblies

Whole guide on the organizational modalities of a shared governance in order to organize ourselves in assemblies.
Whole GDO's guide